Discovering your personal Rome

The new Pope naturally brings with him an upsurge of new and returning tourists to Rome and the Vatican City. New tourists look for any excuse and a perfect time to travel to Rome while returning tourists are thankful for a reason to return to the city. Accompanying the tourists are travel journalists eager to report on the new excitement of the city. Isn’t this the same already heavily touristy Rome boasting millions of tourists annually?

However, as expected of the travel journalist,’s editors collaborated to create a sure way guide to experience Rome without the long lines, expensive meals, and as the editors put it “crowds, crowds, crowds”. In other words the editors put their market in its true context. They have followed an approach to show how Rome is still truly unique. Take a look here.

Surely other guides will pop up as the excitement continues in the city but is the danger of publishing a “secret”  story letting the cat out of the bag? How secluded is your favorite secluded beach going to be after publishing a story on the location of your favorite secluded beach? The best photographers capture their story within a given frame leaving viewers to contemplate what other beauty lies beyond the frame. Journalists should leave some exploration and beauty for the tourist to “figure out” for themselves.

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