Memphis civic and cultural lift
Posted: May 3, 2013 Contents: Chapter 2, Chapter 3 | Tags: cruise, Kim Cross, Kim Cross Southern Living, Southern Living, travel journalist, travel writer, travel writing Leave a comment »The text explores the benefits of city guides in Chapter 2; the text calls the guide a “crucial part of the tourist process.” Kim Cross of Southern has combined the advice of Chapter 2 and the lessons of Chapter 3 — creating what could be read either as a news story type, a destination, or journey type story. Cross shares news of the new expansion to “one of the world’s most visited music streets onto a mile-wide stretch of the Mississippi.”
This news appeals to the journey & cruise goer as with the expansion comes a relatively massive river cruise ship that is set to sail up and down the river in the near future boasting stops and natural sights of the Mississippi River. Cross does an excellent job of sparking intrest in the mixing of traditional and contemporary culture in the short piece for Southern The new expansion will highlight and preserve historical Memphis culture and its staples while building new attractions to draw…