Skip the journey and appear at the destination

Chapter 3 discusses the concept of the journey as a key part of the story . However,
according to Christopher Elliott, an author at, the excitement of
the journey and the corresponding stories are becoming tales of horror and terrible
experiences rather than hero journey tales.

Among the horrors of traveling Elliott describes run-ins with TSA while travelling by air
and annoying crewmembers on cruises constantly bombarding travelers with extras that
also cost extra. Elliot offers this message to those responsible for the journey:

“Yeah, we want to travel cheap. Truth be told, we’d pay nothing for our vacations if we could. That’s no excuse for turning the journey, which was once the best part of the travel experience, into torture.”


Get out there and make friends

Building on Aaron Marshburn’s “Making Friends Model,” in Resources, Madeline Reddington in, offers five ways to connect to locals while traveling. Reddington explains,

Most travelers realize in short order that our experiences abroad — and in other unfamiliar territories — are greatly enhanced by spending time with those who know it best, the locals. Whether you stay at their home, spend a weekend with them, or even chat over a beer, you’ll be opening yourself to a more intimate and genuine experience of your destination.

Reddington also recommends where travelers can connect with like-minded locals for offline meet ups.

The advice builds on the idea: Who knows the destination better than local residents?